The Lightkeeper
The Lightkeeper is a short film about a young veteran and the reclusive old man with whom she forms an unexpected kinship. Set in a remote coastal town, The Lightkeeper is a short-to-feature film about a young drifter and reclusive old author who find an unexpected version of a family together over dinner one night.
In the film, The Lightkeeper is actually an unfinished/unpublished novel written by one of the leads in the film. Instead of following suit with a traditional epic/cinematic movie poster, it seemed appropriate to drive the look and feel into the vein of book cover design, clearly inspired by the syles of John Gall and many other famous book cover illustrators
In the film, The Lightkeeper is actually an unfinished/unpublished novel written by one of the leads in the film. Instead of following suit with a traditional epic/cinematic movie poster, it seemed appropriate to drive the look and feel into the vein of book cover design, clearly inspired by the syles of John Gall and many other famous book cover illustrators
- Movie Poster
- Print